Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dutch Data Vault Introduction talk at TFG Innovation Event

Thursday 1st of November I’ll be doing an introduction session (in Dutch) at the Dutch TFG Innovation event at the Amsterdam office of IBM called ‘Data Vault: De moderne aanpak voor het realiseren van een centrale “Datapakkluis”’ ('Data Vault: modern approach for implementing a central "Data warevault"').  This is a free event that is being organized by The Future Group. The event is focuses around innovations within IT. It starts at 18.00 hrs and has several sessions on subjects like BI, analytics, architecture and software development. So if you’re interested, don’t hesitate to register. For those that are interested in the full program or want to attend, just download the the invitation. You can also download the poster below right here!

I hope to see you at the event!

TFG Innovation event